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Why can't we Eliminate Mosquitoes?

 Article by Bryant Yuan -- You've been walking in the park, enjoying the peace of your evening stroll, when suddenly you hear an unmistakable sound. It's the high-pitched drone of a mosquito in flight. As you take a few more steps, the sound becomes louder and more persistent until you find yourself surrounded by a swarm of airborne pests. You wave your arms and slap at your skin to ward them off, but it does nothing. When the ordeal is over, painful welts cover your skin that will bother you for the next few days. It's surprising to know that mosquitoes cause more deaths than any other species currently known. Half the global population is at risk of catching diseases from a single mosquito bite. Over a million people die from mosquito-borne diseases such as malaria, dengue, and yellow fever each year. These diseases usually affect people from poorer countries. Livestock and other animals are also vulnerable to these deadly diseases. You may wonder, why can't we just k

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 How Our Brains Make Decisions

Making decisions is a fundamental part of our daily lives. From choosing what to wear to deciding on a career path, we make countless decisions every day. But how do our brains make decisions? Scientists have been studying this question for decades, and while there is still much to learn, we have gained valuable insights into the neural processes that underlie decision-making.

The Brain Circuits Involved in Decision-Making

A prevailing theory in neuroscience is that people make decisions based on integrated global calculations that occur within the frontal cortex of the brain
 However, recent research has found that three distinct circuits connecting to different brain regions are involved in making good decisions, bad ones, and determining which of those past choices to store in memory
 These circuits are:
  • The prefrontal cortex (PFC) circuit, which is involved in making good decisions
  • The anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) circuit, which is involved in making bad decisions
  • The basolateral amygdala (BLA) circuit, which is involved in determining which past choices to store in memory
The PFC is responsible for executive functions such as planning, decision-making, and working memory. It receives input from other brain regions and integrates this information to make decisions
 The ACC, on the other hand, is involved in detecting errors and signaling the need for adjustments in decision-making
 The BLA is involved in emotional processing and plays a role in determining which past choices to store in memory

The Algorithmic Model of Decision-Making

An algorithmic model of decision-making has been proposed as a part of the functionalities of the brain to improve the performance of the decision-making process
 This model assumes that when faced with a choice, individuals first assign subjective values to each option, and then compare these values in order to select the best option
 Understanding the neural mechanisms governing this valuation/selection process has become a central aim in the field of decision neuroscience

The Role of Emotions in Decision-Making

The primitive, emotional parts of our brains have a powerful influence on the choices we make
 Neuroscientists have found that the hidden, unconscious processes at work when we decide are so powerful that efforts to uncover and understand them have won at least two researchers the Nobel Prize in recent years
 These processes can lead to irrational, unconscious biases that affect our decision-making

Prior Preferences and Decision-Making Frames

Prior preferences can determine decision-making frames and biases in the human brain
 The framing of the decision value encoded in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) is imposed by prior preferences
 In other words, the brain valuation system is configured to compare default and alternative options, with prior and novel information being encoded in baseline and evoked activity, respectively

The Brain as a Computer

The brain has often been compared to a computer, with the idea that humans are, like computers, information processors
 However, this perspective has been challenged by some researchers who argue that the brain does not process information, retrieve knowledge, or store memories
 Instead, they propose that the brain is a complex, dynamic system that operates in a fundamentally different way than a computer


In conclusion, decision-making is a complex process that involves multiple brain regions and neural circuits. The prefrontal cortex, anterior cingulate cortex, and basolateral amygdala are all involved in decision-making, each playing a unique role. Emotions and prior preferences can also influence decision-making, leading to biases and irrational choices. While the brain has often been compared to a computer, some researchers argue that this comparison is flawed and that the brain operates in a fundamentally different way. As research in this field continues, we can expect to gain a deeper understanding of how our brains make decisions and how we can improve our decision-making abilities.


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