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Why can't we Eliminate Mosquitoes?

 Article by Bryant Yuan -- You've been walking in the park, enjoying the peace of your evening stroll, when suddenly you hear an unmistakable sound. It's the high-pitched drone of a mosquito in flight. As you take a few more steps, the sound becomes louder and more persistent until you find yourself surrounded by a swarm of airborne pests. You wave your arms and slap at your skin to ward them off, but it does nothing. When the ordeal is over, painful welts cover your skin that will bother you for the next few days. It's surprising to know that mosquitoes cause more deaths than any other species currently known. Half the global population is at risk of catching diseases from a single mosquito bite. Over a million people die from mosquito-borne diseases such as malaria, dengue, and yellow fever each year. These diseases usually affect people from poorer countries. Livestock and other animals are also vulnerable to these deadly diseases. You may wonder, why can't we just k

How do Elephants Communicate?

Elephants and their ability to communicate through their feet

Create an enchanting artwork capturing the essence of seismic communication in elephants. Depict a serene savanna landscape with a majestic elephant gracefully swaying its trunk, while its feet resonate with vibrant seismic vibrations. Let the colors reflect the vivid emotion and energy of van Gogh's style, celebrating the harmonious connection between elephants and their surroundings.

Elephants are known for their exceptional communication skills, and it turns out that they can communicate through their feet as well. Elephants are able to pick up low-frequency sounds through the ground with their sensitive feet, a process known as seismic communication
 This ability is crucial for elephants to communicate over vast distances, especially in the savanna where visibility can be limited.

Seismic communication

Seismic communication is a field of research pioneered by Caitlin O’Connell-Rodwell in 1997
 Her work has shown that African elephants exchange information by emitting low-frequency sounds that travel dozens of miles under the ground on the savanna. The sound waves come from the animals’ huge vocal cords, and distant elephants “hear” the signals with their highly sensitive feet. When an elephant vocalizes, it’s like a mini-explosion at the source. The sound waves spread out through the ground and air. By triangulating the two types of signals using both ears and feet, elephants can tune in to the direction, distance, and content of a message


In a series of experiments developed with the help of an elephant at the Oakland Zoo, O’Connell-Rodwell played typical calls on speakers buried in the ground to elephants at the watering hole at Mushara. She found that a predator alarm played on an above-ground speaker caused the herd to flee immediately. They responded quite differently, however, to the same call played underground. They closed ranks, but stayed put. She concluded that the elephants could tell the difference between nearby and distant dangers from how they had received the information

Foot pressure distributions

Elephants' feet are not only sensitive to sound waves, but they also have a unique structure that allows them to distribute their weight evenly. A study of in vivo foot pressures in captive Asian elephants showed that peak pressures (i.e., the maximum pressure) were distributed evenly across the foot
 This is important for elephants because they are such large animals and need to distribute their weight evenly to avoid injury.

Other forms of communication

Elephants use all of their senses to communicate, including touch, sight, smell, and hearing
 They are able to produce a wide array of sounds from rumbles to roars, cries, barks, and trumpets, and a lot more in between
 It takes a lifetime to get to know and fully understand the subtleties of an elephant’s visual communication system, as many signals are used for multiple purposes
 Elephants also have an amazing ability to detect vibrations, which is another way they communicate


Elephants are highly sociable animals and have a very complex and well-developed communication system. Their ability to communicate through their feet is just one aspect of this system. Seismic communication is the key to understanding the complex dynamics of elephant communities, and researchers like Caitlin O’Connell-Rodwell have made significant contributions to this field of study. Elephants are truly remarkable animals, and their communication skills are just one of the many reasons why they are so fascinating.


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