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Why can't we Eliminate Mosquitoes?

 Article by Bryant Yuan -- You've been walking in the park, enjoying the peace of your evening stroll, when suddenly you hear an unmistakable sound. It's the high-pitched drone of a mosquito in flight. As you take a few more steps, the sound becomes louder and more persistent until you find yourself surrounded by a swarm of airborne pests. You wave your arms and slap at your skin to ward them off, but it does nothing. When the ordeal is over, painful welts cover your skin that will bother you for the next few days. It's surprising to know that mosquitoes cause more deaths than any other species currently known. Half the global population is at risk of catching diseases from a single mosquito bite. Over a million people die from mosquito-borne diseases such as malaria, dengue, and yellow fever each year. These diseases usually affect people from poorer countries. Livestock and other animals are also vulnerable to these deadly diseases. You may wonder, why can't we just k

Time Perception: Does Life Speed Up as We Age?

Time Perception: Does Life Speed Up as We Age?

As we grow older, many of us experience the sensation that time is speeding up. Days, weeks, and months seem to fly by, and before we know it, another year has passed. But is this just a subjective feeling, or is there something more to it? In this article, we'll explore the science behind why time seems to speed up as we age.

Theories on Why Time Speeds Up

There are several theories on why time seems to speed up as we age. One of the most commonly cited is that as we get older, we have more experiences and memories to look back on. This means that each new experience or memory is less novel and less likely to stand out in our minds. As a result, time seems to pass more quickly because we have fewer memorable events to anchor our perception of time.

Another theory is that our perception of time is influenced by the amount of information our brains process. When we're young, we're constantly learning and experiencing new things, which means our brains are processing a lot of information. As we get older, we become more efficient at processing information, which means we don't need to spend as much time on each experience. This can make time seem to pass more quickly because we're not spending as much time processing each moment.

Research on Time Perception

Several studies have been conducted to investigate how our perception of time changes as we age. One study asked participants to estimate the duration of a minute without counting. The researchers found that younger participants were more accurate at estimating the duration of a minute than older participants. This suggests that our ability to perceive time accurately declines as we age.

Another study asked participants to keep a diary of their daily activities and rate how quickly time seemed to pass during each activity. The researchers found that participants rated time as passing more quickly during routine activities than during novel activities. This suggests that our perception of time is influenced by how much attention we're paying to the present moment.

How to Slow Down Time

While it may not be possible to slow down time itself, there are some things we can do to make time seem to pass more slowly. One way is to focus on the present moment and engage in activities that require our full attention. This can help us feel more engaged with our experiences and make time seem to pass more slowly.

Another way to slow down time is to create new experiences and memories. By doing things that are outside of our routine, we can create more memorable moments that can help anchor our perception of time.


In conclusion, the sensation that time is speeding up as we age is a commonly reported aspect of aging. While there are several theories on why this happens, research suggests that our ability to perceive time accurately declines as we get older. However, there are some things we can do to slow down time, such as focusing on the present moment and creating new experiences. By doing so, we can make the most of our time and enjoy each moment to the fullest.









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