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Why can't we Eliminate Mosquitoes?

 Article by Bryant Yuan -- You've been walking in the park, enjoying the peace of your evening stroll, when suddenly you hear an unmistakable sound. It's the high-pitched drone of a mosquito in flight. As you take a few more steps, the sound becomes louder and more persistent until you find yourself surrounded by a swarm of airborne pests. You wave your arms and slap at your skin to ward them off, but it does nothing. When the ordeal is over, painful welts cover your skin that will bother you for the next few days. It's surprising to know that mosquitoes cause more deaths than any other species currently known. Half the global population is at risk of catching diseases from a single mosquito bite. Over a million people die from mosquito-borne diseases such as malaria, dengue, and yellow fever each year. These diseases usually affect people from poorer countries. Livestock and other animals are also vulnerable to these deadly diseases. You may wonder, why can't we just k

The impact of major wars on global politics and economies.

 July 2023

The impact of major wars on global politics and economies

## Introduction

Major wars have had a significant impact on global politics and economies throughout history. Wars can cause widespread destruction, loss of life, and displacement of people, but they can also have long-lasting economic effects. In this article, we will explore the impact of major wars on global politics and economies, with a focus on the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

## The Impact of the War in Ukraine

The conflict in Ukraine is a major blow to the global economy that will hurt growth and raise prices[1]. Beyond the suffering and humanitarian crisis from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the entire global economy will feel the effects of slower growth and faster inflation[1]. Longer term, the war may fundamentally alter the global economic and geopolitical order should energy trade shift, supply chains reconfigure, payment networks fragment, and countries rethink reserve currency holdings[1]. Increased geopolitical tension further raises risks of economic fragmentation, especially for trade and technology[1]. 

For the global economy, fuel and food shortages caused by the war are exacerbating post-pandemic inflation that had already reached multi-decade highs in most of the world[2]. Commodity markets are in turmoil and financial markets have been highly volatile since the start of the conflict[4]. The economies of Russia and Ukraine are contracting sharply as a direct result of the war and the sanctions imposed on Russia[4]. Many countries in the region are particularly vulnerable to the war’s effects, specifically because of higher energy and food prices, reduced tourism, and potential difficulty accessing international capital markets[1]. 

## Historical Examples

The impact of major wars on global politics and economies can be seen throughout history. Here are a few examples:

### World War I

World War I had a profound impact on the global economy. The war caused widespread destruction and loss of life, and it also had long-lasting economic effects. The war led to a significant increase in government spending, which caused inflation to rise[6]. The war also disrupted international trade and caused shortages of goods, which led to further inflation[6]. After the war, many countries struggled to rebuild their economies, and the global economy remained weak for several years[6].

### World War II

World War II had an even greater impact on the global economy than World War I. The war caused widespread destruction and loss of life, and it also had long-lasting economic effects. The war led to a significant increase in government spending, which caused inflation to rise[6]. The war also disrupted international trade and caused shortages of goods, which led to further inflation[6]. After the war, many countries struggled to rebuild their economies, and the global economy remained weak for several years[6].

### The Cold War

The Cold War was a period of geopolitical tension between the United States and the Soviet Union that lasted from the end of World War II until the early 1990s. The Cold War had a significant impact on global politics and economies. The United States and the Soviet Union engaged in an arms race, which led to significant increases in government spending[6]. The Cold War also led to the formation of military alliances, such as NATO and the Warsaw Pact, which further increased tensions between the two superpowers[6]. The Cold War had a significant impact on international trade and investment, as many countries aligned themselves with one of the two superpowers[6].

## Conclusion

In conclusion, major wars have had a significant impact on global politics and economies throughout history. The ongoing conflict in Ukraine is a major blow to the global economy that will hurt growth and raise prices[1]. Wars can cause widespread destruction, loss of life, and displacement of people, but they can also have long-lasting economic effects. The impact of major wars on the global economy can be seen in historical examples such as World War I, World War II, and the Cold War. It is important for policymakers to consider the economic impact of wars when making decisions about foreign policy and military intervention.









  1. Wow! This article has improved my grades so much!


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