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Why are Memories Forgotten?

Do you remember what you ate for dinner two months ago? Or do you remember the last text message you sent to that friend you last talked to? For most of you, no, you don’t know, our minds are just simply not made to remember insignificant details, but some people can remember, but most forget. So why do we forget things, and how are they stored? Firstly, how are memories made in the first place? As much as we talk about the brain being this muscle being capable of being highly intelligent with an inner monologue and mental thinking capacity; most of our brain is made up of neurons.  According to the Brain Institute of Queensland, neurons are fundamental units of the brain and nervous system, responsible for the sensory input from the external world, relaying motor and thinking skills, transforming and relaying electrical signals for every step. When we experience something, the neurons in our brain physically interact with our senses, and create something called synapses, which are sto

The impact of AI on the job market

 July 2023

The impact of AI on the job market

The job market can be significantly influenced by the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI), a technology that has the potential to revolutionize various aspects of human society. AI involves the ability of machines or software to perform tasks that traditionally require human intelligence, such as reasoning, learning, decision-making, and creativity. Its impact on the job market can be both positive and negative, depending on its application and regulation.

One positive effect of AI on employment is the creation of new job opportunities and industries that demand AI skills and expertise. According to a World Economic Forum report, the utilization of AI is projected to generate 133 million new jobs worldwide by 2025, while eliminating 75 million jobs, resulting in a net gain of 58 million jobs. These emerging occupations include roles like software engineers, data analysts, AI specialists, cloud computing experts, and mobile application developers. Additionally, AI can stimulate the demand for skilled professionals in sectors such as healthcare, education, entertainment, and finance, which can all benefit from AI applications.

Another positive impact of AI on the job market is its ability to enhance productivity and efficiency by automating repetitive and mundane tasks, improving decision-making processes, fostering problem-solving capabilities, and enabling innovation and creativity. For instance, AI can assist accountants in processing vast amounts of data more quickly and accurately, aid lawyers in reviewing contracts and documents more efficiently, empower teachers to personalize learning experiences for students, and empower artists to explore new forms of expression. Furthermore, AI-powered platforms can offer personalized training and learning opportunities, enabling workers to acquire new skills and adapt to changing demands.

Nevertheless, the improper and irresponsible use of AI can have adverse effects on the job market. One negative consequence is the displacement of workers from their jobs or reduced wages when they are unable to compete with or complement AI systems. According to an OECD study, approximately 14% of jobs across 32 countries face a high risk of automation, while an additional 32% are expected to undergo significant changes in tasks and skill requirements due to AI. Occupations such as administrative assistants, customer service representatives, accountants, and electrical/mechanical technicians are particularly vulnerable. Displaced workers may encounter challenges in finding alternative employment or adjusting to new skill demands.

Another drawback of AI's impact on the job market is the emergence of new challenges and risks within the work environment and society at large. Ethical concerns, including privacy, bias, accountability, and transparency, can arise from the use of AI algorithms and data. Furthermore, AI can pose security threats, such as cyberattacks, hacking, and sabotage, orchestrated by malicious actors. Additionally, AI has social implications that may contribute to increased inequality, polarization, and discrimination among workers and various groups based on their skills, income levels, or backgrounds.

In conclusion, AI possesses considerable potential to influence the job market, with both positive and negative consequences. Ensuring that AI's impact on employment benefits workers and society at large necessitates the adoption of a human-centric approach to AI development and governance that respects human values, rights, and dignity. Collaborative efforts involving governments, businesses, workers, educators, researchers, and civil society are essential to creating a fair, inclusive, and sustainable future of work in the AI era.


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